161 Security Flaws Found in 377 Microsoft Products in 2014

A new report from Kaspersky on the vulnerabilities weakening Windows operating system revealed that 377 Microsoft products were plagued by 161 security glitches in the first half of 2014, based on information from open sources.

The security firm says that most of the problems, no less than 113 of them, affected the Internet Explorer web browser. There were also 19 vulnerabilities related to Microsoft's operating system, which means that glitches were found in various technologies, services and protocols used by Windows.

A total of 11 security glitches were discovered in the Office suite, including the web app that allows online access and editing of documents.

Compared to the first half of 2013, only the IE-related flaws are significantly higher, more than double in size.
The existence of vulnerabilities, however, may not necessarily mean that attackers can take advantage of them, because in some cases, an intruder may need to bypass several security mechanisms in order to reach the vulnerable component.

Exploiting the vulnerabilities, on the other hand, is a critical matter as it proves that security can be breached.

From November 2013 until June 2014, Kaspersky's systems recorded a total of four vulnerabilities that were most frequently exploited during cybercriminal activities.


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